
109 How To Protect Printing Images Of UV Inkjet Printer From Sunlight 109


The issue that most people are concerned about is color fading for printed images of UV flatbed inkjet printer. According to our observation, the main reasons of causing color fading is light, heat and air. Outdoor insolation will make color of printed images lose brightness easily and water sense, which makes the images yellow, fade away, and dry. Above these situations are mostly caused by ultraviolet. The ultraviolet destroys the structure of ink, especially for unprotected dyeing ink. It just only need 10 hours to insolate at the outdoor, the color of images will be damaged.


First, let’s see materials have impact on images of UV inkjet printer.


Without laminating, the images with ‘hard gummed paper’ inkjet production will not fade for 3-5 years putting it indoor.     These kind of papers such as coated paper and Chinese art paper is with lots of holes and contacting the surface of air is large, which printed images for these kind of large materials will fade strongly. Laminating ‘hard gummed paper’ on the side of sunlight indoor just fade slightly in half year. But the images in poor sunlight won’t fade within one year even two years.       


If printing photos laminated is basked directly outdoor, the storage period will be reduced by half year. Once a time, we attached printed images onto the car on summer, and the car was driven for one month. The color was faded strongly. That means hot steel shell of car will extremely damage the color.


The best way to protect images of UV inkjet printer from color fading is to purchase suitable ink and make good post-processing.


However, if the photos are basked between UV lamp and ordinary incandescent lamp, the speed of color fading have no significant difference.


 In such that situation, how to protect the printed images of UV inkjet printers in the sun? In fact, we can use the following four methods to deal with it:


1. UV inkjet printer need suitable ink and printing materials, especially purchasing pigment ink in the outdoor large scale inkjet printing.


2. By UV laminating to protect the printed images of UV inkjet printer.


3. Check if the ink seal is good or not.


4. Try to select the places of the backlight or without direct sunlight to attach the images, and put the images in a cool place and without light.


Do remember not choose long-lifespan ink. Because its particle is too large and interior can not be oxidized easily, which can damage the quality of printed images of UV inkjet printer. Many mineral materials were known as high stability, but please carefully choose suitable ink of UV inkjet printer.


In order to protect the images of UV inkjet printer, we should do our best to below three points and ready to do the replacement.


Laminating is also one of common ways of post processing for UV inkjet printer printing images, which is also called PP lamination. Laminating used chemicals can absorb or isolate ultraviolet, and it can extend brightness degree of images color.


Please detect substrate materials can not be used in fluorescent while laminating. If the substrate materials are adopted optical brightening materials to increase the brightness of white ground, it will reflect blue ray power again after it absorbs ultraviolet. It can also correct the substrate in yellow to make it whiter. And if lamination with ultraviolet resistant blocks the ultraviolet ray towards this kind of substrate materials, then the images with white area will become slightly yellow.  


Outdoor direct sunlight will greatly harm to images. In order to avoid direct sunlight, you can choose the shade or the place where there is a shelter. Try not to make printed images of UV inkjet printer insolate directly by sunlight, which can effectively reduce damages from ultraviolet ray.


Edited by Johnny


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